Are you ready to embark on a TRANSFORMATIONAL  journey through the pages of your favorite Bible stories and heroes?

Look no further than Courageous Disciples I, a comprehensive 12-week program designed to deepen your understanding of God’s word and empower you to live out its principles in your daily life.

Dive into Scripture

Throughout the program, you’ll learn practical techniques for studying the Bible with a focus on real-life application. Say goodbye to surface-level reading and hello to a deeper, more meaningful connection with God’s word.

Strengthen Your Faith

Experience a profound shift in your relationship with God as you discover how to apply biblical wisdom to navigate life’s challenges with courage and confidence. Say goodbye to doubt and insecurity, and hello to unwavering faith and purpose.

Embrace Your Purpose

Are you ready to step into the fullness of who God created you to be? Courageous Disciples I will equip you with the tools and mindset needed to pursue your purpose with boldness and clarity. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hesitation, and hello to divine empowerment and fulfillment.

Revised for Maximum Impact

We’ve revised Courageous Disciples I to ensure you receive the fundamental teachings you need to thrive in your faith journey. Plus, take advantage of our lowest enrollment fee ever since its launch in 2019.

A sample of what the course offers.

Bible 101: Overview


This module will give a brief overview of the first course in this program. 

Bible 101: The Bible’s Purpose

In order to truly begin to “rightly” interpret the Bible you have to know what it is and also what it isn’t. This module will take you through the Purpose of the Bible. It is the longest video of the course so be sure you have at least 45 minutes set aside for this session!

Bible 101: How the Bible is Arranged

The Bible is not arranged in chronological order and it has various genres of writing. That being said you cannot approach every book the same way. This module will provide insight into how the Bible is organized.

Bible 101: The Old Testament

The old testament is sometimes ignored as being outdated or no longer applicable because of Jesus. This is NOT so, we must remember 2 things “ALL scripture is God- breathed and good….” and Jesus is the fulfillment of the old testament.

Bible 101: The New Testament

The New Testament is widely regarded as the most frequently read section of the Bible, known for its accessibility and relatability compared to the Old Testament. It serves as the cornerstone of the Christian faith, housing the transformative Gospel of Jesus that brings our beliefs to life. While the New Testament offers an engaging read, navigating through its diverse genres, such as the letters from Paul and the enigmatic Book of Revelation, can be a bit challenging. In this module we explore the New Testament, unraveling its distinct genres to provide you with a comprehensive understanding. Gain insights into the richness of this sacred text and its varied literary forms.

Bible 101: Translations

“Which translation should I use?” is probably one of the top 3 questions I get asked as coach and Pastor. This module will help you understand the different translations and then you can decide which translation is best for YOU!

Bible 101: How to Read Effectively

The Bible is not like a regular book, it is rich, dense and the living Word of God. You can’t just read it like you would a novel. You are going to need some effective reading strategies and this module is full of them!

Bible 101: Highlighting and Underlining

In this module, discover the art of purposeful highlighting and underlining in your study materials. Many of us either stick to a single color or use random colors without establishing a clear point of reference for future study sessions. Learn how to strategically apply these techniques, enhancing the effectiveness of your study time. Unleash a new approach to highlighting that ensures each mark serves a purpose, making your study sessions more intentional and impactful. Say goodbye to monotonous highlighting, as you embrace a method that transforms your study routine.

Bible 101: BOLD Method

Unlock spiritual growth with this inductive Bible study method, crafted in a devotional style to nurture your faith one verse at a time. Curated by Pastor Courage, this module is designed to guide you in slowing down and diving deep into the Scriptures. Step-by-step, it will teach you how to effectively employ this study method, providing the tools to receive personal instruction from God today. Embrace a transformative journey as you delve into the profound wisdom found within each verse.

Adam & Eve: Context

This module provides background information and context for the Adam & Eve narrative. Understanding the context is crucial, bringing you closer to interpreting the text as the original audience would have perceived it.



This module presents a brief overview of the Adam and Eve narrative. Remember, repetition aids retention, so don’t skip this summary even if you’ve previously covered the topic. While listening to this module, take note of the similarities and differences between this summary and your own.

Principles to Live By (Marriage)


This module distills key principles relevant to our daily lives, with a specific focus on the intricate dynamics of marriage. The content within these principles serves as a valuable resource, offering insights and practical guidance for those navigating the complexities of married life. As you engage with this module, you’ll uncover timeless truths that have the potential to positively impact and enhance your journey in marriage.

Principles to Live By (General)


In this module, we delve into fundamental principles for a meaningful life, drawing insights from the interpretation of the text.

Impact Today

This module covers the implications the observations might have on the world today.

Cain & Abel: Context

This module provides background information and context for the Cain & Abel narrative. Understanding the context is crucial, bringing you closer to interpreting the text as the original audience would have perceived it.



This module presents a brief overview of the Cain & Abel narrative. Remember, repetition aids retention, so don’t skip this summary even if you’ve previously covered the topic. While listening to this module, take note of the similarities and differences between this summary and your own.

Principles to Live By

In this module, we delve into fundamental principles for a meaningful life, drawing insights from the interpretation of the text. 

Impact Today

This module covers the implications the observations might have on the world today.

What People Are Saying

Before Courageous Disciples, I felt lost and struggled to build a relationship with God while feeling like I needed to change who I was. During the course, I immersed myself in the word and discovered God’s unconditional love, leading to a transformative relationship and newfound purpose. Now, I confidently apply biblical principles to my daily life, helping others do the same as a faith-based money coach, standing firm on the foundation of God’s word


As a Minister, I lacked a systematic process for developing my understanding of the Word, and I was hungering for more. Courageous Disciples I, introduced me to a transformative process that not only filled me spiritually but also empowered me to deliver the Word of God in a powerful way. Now, I am deeply familiar with the Word, and as a result, I am able to provide more substantial spiritual nourishment to myself and those I’ve been called to serve in my role as a minister and church elder.
